Existing Advertisers Form
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Existing Advertisers Form
Please use this form to book and pay for advertising space with us. Please note that you must continue to be a Member of the Isle of Cumbrae Tourism Association (IOCTA) to advertise with us. The membership fee is currently just £50.00 pa which is included in. the fees below Please sign up through the form below or email your enquiry to [email protected].
There are five levels of advertising:
Free entry level – as a Member of the IOCTA you get a name and address, IOCTA Description and one photo taken by IOCTA.
Standard member (£50.00pa) – Name, address, one custom picture, phone, email. and 100 words, contact form, web link and social media link
Premium member (£100.00pa) – As Standard above with up to 6 pictures and 400 words of description. It also includes an embedded video (must be on YouTube) and additional social links.
Platinum member (£200.00pa) – As Premium above but with 1000 Words, and 20 pictures. It also includes cross-site advertising.
Payment can be made directly by Bacs Transfer please use your listing name (ie Business, Property or own name) as a reference
Isle of Cumbrae Tourist Association
Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 80-17-11
Account no: 00437733